घुलनशील हाइड्रोक्सीप्रोपाइल मिथाइल सेलूलोज़ (एचपीएमसी) एक प्रकार का गैर-आयनिक सेलूलोज़ ईथर है, जो रासायनिक प्रसंस्करण की एक श्रृंखला के माध्यम से प्राकृतिक बहुलक सेलूलोज़ से बनाया जाता है। हाइप्रोमेलोज (एचपीएमसी) एक सफेद पाउडर है जो ठंडे पानी में घुलकर एक पारदर्शी, चिपचिपा घोल बनाता है। It has the properties of thickening, adhesion, dispersion, emulsification, film forming, suspension, adsorption, gelation, surface activity, water retention and colloid protection. Water retention is an important property of hypromellose HPMC, which is also concerned by many wet-mixed mortar manufacturers in China. The factors affecting the water retention of wet-mixed mortar include the amount of HPMC, the viscosity of HPMC, the particle size and the temperature of the environment. The hypromellose HPMC plays an important role in mortar in three aspects: its excellent water retention, its effect on mortar consistency and thixotropy, and its interaction with cement. The water-retaining function of cellulose ether depends on the water absorption of the base, the composition of mortar, the thickness of mortar, the water demand of mortar and the setting time of the setting material. The more transparent the hypromellose, the better the water retention.
पोस्ट समय: जुलाई-27-2023